If you've heard MC Chris, then you'd know about his voice... and how it's ultimately annoying, but his rhymes and beats make up for it beyond belief.
When the opening track "MC Chris is Dead", starts... it starts with a haunting Indian sounding flute, then busts straight up into the beats and his high-pitched voice.
The second track "Older Crowd", sounds like a terrible, terrible techno beat, as well as what-appears-to-be a synth on his voice, which is actually rather distracting.
"Reese" is a little tune about eating candy, and how it's better than drugs.
"Pizza butt" is another VERY techno influenced song, that just distracts me from his voice... which isn't the best in the first place.
As the tracks progress- they get funnier, and funnier... but they also get more techno-sounding... which I don't find to be a good thing when you're listening to the rapping, it's not supposed to be a techno album, but for some reason it turned into one.
One of the funnier and cooler songs is "Hoodie Ninja" which sounds exactly like J-pop and it's just great, great rapping on his accord.
The beat and tune of "On*" is quite infectious, and it's also HILARIOUS.
As an album- it's... alright, but it seems just like a pop-techno-geek crossover... which pop and geek don't really go hand in hand, from the best of my knowledge.
It's all funny, funny stuff... but that can only go so far. You can see MC Chris has lyrical talent, but lacks in the beat department, as it would seem.
Final Score: 4.5 Giraffes Out Of 10
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