Adam Green's songwriting abilities are unmatched in modern writing, and rival some of the greatest songwriters of all time, and his newest record matches up perfectly and provides a wonderful and amusing ride for 50 minutes of your day.
The album sounds like it fell out of a 70's movie. You can notice obvious disco and soul influences throughout it, which is actually very refreshing.
It's hard to pick and choose the best tracks, because it's easy to find it all enthralling and impressive.
While the music itself is VERY amusing... the content of the songs is also amusing and questionable. The song "Twee Twee Dee" is uppity and happy... but the lyrics seem to describe going to gangrape a girl. That type of content is found rather often through "Sixes & Sevens", and it really makes you question the moral meter of Adam Green and associates.
It seems like it lasts JUST long enough... as not to get old too quickly, but... sadly it seems to. It's not too hard to dislike this album at first view, but after a few listens you find much of it sticking with you and amusing you listen after listen.
A handful of the songs are annoying, and seem ill-used on the album, and you could question WHY they'd include it on the record, instead of saving it for some random B-Sides collection.
As a record... it's not bad. In order to truly like "Sixes & Sevens", you have to be familiar with Adam Green to understand his humour and his writing sensibility.
First video from the new album, "Morning after Midnight":
Final Score: 7 out of 10 Giraffes.
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